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Shaving and What They Do Not Want You to Know

Updated: Apr 20, 2019

Man more than woman is a creature of habit and as one of the early signs of adulthood, an adolescents facial hair begin to appear. Anxious to become a man the practice of this morning ritual begin. More often than not the young man will take on the same shaving practice as his father and that may or may not be a good thing.


The largest organ we have is our epidermis (outer layer of skin) and we should try to protect our skin from injury or free radicals as we would any other vital organ within our body. Hence, what we put on are skin, to a degree, will be absorbed into our bloodstream. Regrettably, we have been programmed to think foam is good and statistics show that 60% of men use shaving foam, propelled from an aerosol can that is filled with water, soap, chemicals and air. Most soap contains lye, and when used, strips away the natural oils and dehydrates the skin causing premature aging and exposing a more delicate layer of skin to the elements. Furthermore, the same three ingredients will not lubricate your skin to give you the needed barrier that protects you from unwanted cuts and razor burn that a sharp edged piece of metal will provide you.

Shaving Cream

While most men pay little attention to their shaving products and some may gravitate to an electric razor, there is a rapidly growing number that insist on finding a closer, healthier more comfortable shave. For the latter there is shaving cream. But it is not that simple! The ingredients are the single most important value of a shave product. By law, all ingredients must be listed on a product label in the order of volume of content. With the largest volume content listed first and progressing down to the least volume of content listed last. When you wet shave your razor will remove a layer of skin making it important to use a shave product that will retain moisture. Aloe Vera has those properties. But do not be fooled, a shave company may state in advertising that Aloe Vera is used in their shave cream, but check out the label for subsequent importance by where it is listed on the label. Aloe Vera is a natural, organic, moisturizing, healing agent and should be the key ingredient on a shave cream label. To summarize, read the label and know what you are putting on your skin and try to use products that are of a natural and/or organic substance; they may cost a bit more but the results are well worth it.

Shaving Oil or Pre-shave Oil

Many feel pre-shave oil is not necessary, but for really tough beards the combination of both oil and a shave cream seems to enhance the comfort by creating a more lubricating foil between you and that sharp blade of steel you shave with.

Some use shave oil as a standalone product and this works especially well for those that sport a beard or mustache. The transparency of the oil allows one to see precisely where they are shaving. To repeat, stick with shave products that have natural ingredient and not chemicals or soap.


Wet shaving is the most common shaving method and with the advent of the safety or disposable razor, the straight razor is used by few men today. The average man will get around 5 or six shaves from a disposal blade. A shaving blade edge will oxidize or corrode when exposed to moisture, so a good practice would be to press a towel against the blade after shaving to remove any moisture. Store your blades and razor outside your bath area to minimize exposure to moisture. Consequently you will get more shaves from each disposable razor, extending the life of each blade.

Good Shaving Method

After showering is one of the best times to shave, but if you shave without showering, place a hot wash cloth over shave area for about 10 seconds, wash the area with warm water to soften up your beard, opening pores and making your skin supple but avoid soaps they will dry your skin. Thoroughly massage your natural shave oil or cream into shave area. Splash hot water onto face and regularly, while shaving, swirl razor in a partially filled sink of hot water to activate lubricants. Shave with the grain of beard. After first pass, for a closer shave, apply a bit more oil or shave cream, if needed, and shave across or against the grain of beard for the closest shave.

Post Shave

While better shaving creams and shaving oils will leave your shave area moisturized, a good after shave balm or skin cream with natural ingredients can be applied to your entire shave area further fortifying and protecting your skin. Make this a daily regime and after a few weeks you will see a noticeable elasticity and suppleness with a more youthful appearance.

Undeniably there are many shaving products, so having an expert to advise you is a good idea.

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